The Waka Hourua board game emerged from my Master’s journey, where I explored mixed reality’s potential for enhancing historical education. Engaging with primary school teachers and delving into early Polynesian navigation, I crafted an innovative educational board game for New Zealand’s Primary School Students. Waka Hourua goes beyond tradition, integrating Augmented Reality to create an immersive and interactive learning experience.
Developing the game involved exploring various concepts and mechanics to ensure it’s both engaging and educational. The focus was on simplicity for classroom use, with cooperative gameplay promoting teamwork and emphasizing unity over competition. The result is an adventure that brings the historical tapestry of early Polynesian migration to life, fostering excitement and enjoyment in learning for primary school students. To learn more about the project visit www.wakahourua.nz

R cards enhance learning by allowing users to address specific queries through augmented reality. The app uses image recognition to seamlessly identify AR cards, overlaying real-time content via the device’s camera. Māori words and audio clips are integrated to promote te reo Māori, enriching the educational journey with engaging audio elements. This integration elevates the immersive quality of learning, making it more dynamic and inclusive.
The board game features two 360-degree experiences, allowing children to explore and interact with a virtual waka. Additionally, they can gain insights about various stars in the night sky through these immersive experiences.